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On behalf of the Canadian Plowing Organization (CPO), I would like to welcome you to our new website. We hope, in this time of uncertainty, that we can address the past, the present and the future of Plowing organizations. Our goal is to keep everyone up dated on the happenings of our organization (CPO), the World Plowing Organization (WPO) and the Provincial Plowing organizations.

Sorry to report that the Canadian Plowing Championship (CPC) for 2020 had to be cancelled due to COVID 19 restrictions. The 2021 CPC is being scheduled for May 2021 unless the COVID 19 restrictions are still in place. These are the types of happening we will try keeping you informed of.

This new website should prove to be informative and educational to all that visit this site.

The CPO’s wish for you, is a happy and healthy future.

Please feel free to visit our new website often.

Yours truly

Thomas Murdock

CPO President


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